what is java and why do I need it ?| explained

   java technology

java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Java is a widely used programming language expressly designed for use in the distributed environment of the internet. It is the most popular programming language for Android smartphone applications and is also among the most favored for the development of edge devices and the internet of things.

 Latest versions:-

The latest versions are Java 14, released in March 2020, and Java 11, a currently supported long-term support (LTS) version, released on September 25, 2018; Oracle released for the legacy Java 8 LTS the last free public update in January 2019 for commercial use, while it will otherwise still support Java 8 with public updates for personal use up to at least December 2020. Oracle (and others) highly recommend uninstalling older versions of Java because of serious risks due to unresolved security issues. Since Java 9, 10, 12 and 13 are no longer supported, Oracle advises its users to immediately transition to the latest version (currently Java 14) or an LTS release.


As of March 2019, Java 8 is supported; and both Java 8 and 11 as Long Term Support (LTS) versions. Major release versions of Java, along with their release dates:
  • JDK 1.0 (January 23, 1996)
  • JDK 1.1 (February 19, 1996)
  • J2SE 1.2 (December 8, 1998)
  • J2SE 1.3 (May 8, 2000)
  • J2SE 1.4 (February 6, 2002)
  • J2SE 5.0 (September 30, 2004)
  • Java SE 6 (December 11, 2006)
  • Java SE 7 (July 28, 2011)                                               
  • Java SE 8 (March 18, 2014)
  • Java SE 9 (September 21, 2017)
  • Java SE 10 (March 20, 2018)
  • Java SE 11 (September 25, 2018)
  • Java SE 12 (March 19, 2019)
  • Java SE 13 (September 17, 2019)
  • Java SE 14 (March 17, 2020)


What will I get when I download Java software?
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is what you get when you download Java software. The JRE consists of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java platform core classes, and supporting Java platform libraries. The JRE is the runtime portion of Java software, which is all you need to run it in your Web browser.
What is Java Plug-in software?
The Java Plug-in software is a component of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE allows applets written in the Java programming language to run inside various browsers. The Java Plug-in software is not a standalone program and cannot be installed separately.
I have heard the terms Java Virtual Machine and JVM. Is this Java software?

The Java Virtual Machine is only one aspect of Java software that is involved in web interaction. The Java Virtual Machine is built right into your Java software download, and helps run Java applications.

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