Applications of Wireless Communication

          Applications of Wireless Communication

Different applications of wireless Communication:

Satellite Communication

Satellite communication is one type of self contained wireless communication technology, it is widely spread all over the world to allow users to stay connected almost anywhere on the earth. When the signal (a beam of modulated microwave) is sent near the satellite then, satellite amplifies the signal and sent it back to the antenna  receiver which is located on the surface of the earth. Satellite communication contains two main components like the space segment and the ground segment.The ground segment consists of  fixed or mobile transmission, reception and ancillary equipment and the space segment, which mainly is the  satellite itself.

Broadcast Radio
The first wireless communication technology is the open radio communication to seek out widespread use, and it still serves a purpose nowadays. Handy multichannel radios permit a user to speak over short distances, whereas citizen’s band and maritime radios offer communication services for sailors. Ham radio enthusiasts share data and function emergency communication aids throughout disasters with their powerful broadcasting gear, and can even communicate digital information over the radio frequency spectrum.
Radio waves are electromagnetic signals, that are transmitted by an antenna.These waves have completely different frequency segments, and you will be ready to obtain an audio signal by changing into a frequency segment.
For example, you can take a radio station. When the RJ says you are listening to 92.7 BIG FM, what he really means is that signals are being broadcasted at a frequency of 92.7megahertz, that successively means the transmitter at the station is periodic at a frequency of 92.700,000 Cycles/second.


Wi-Fi is a low power wireless communication, that is used by various electronic devices like smart phones, laptops, etc.In  this setup, a router works  as a communication hub wirelessly. These networks allow users to connect only within close proximity to a router. WiFi is very common in networking applications which affords portability wirelessly. These networks need to be protected with passwords for the purpose of security, otherwise it will access by others.

Microwave Communication

Microwave wireless communication is an effective type of communication, mainly this transmission uses radio waves, and the wavelengths of radio waves are measured in centimeters. In this communication, the data or information can be transfers using two methods. One is satellite method and another one is terrestrial method.
Wherein satellite method, the data can be transmitted though a satellite, that orbit 22,300 miles above the earth. Stations on the earth send and receive data signals from the satellite with a frequency ranging from 11GHz-14GHz and with a transmission speed of 1Mbps to 10Mbps.
The frequency range of the terrestrial system is typically 4GHz-6GHz and with a transmission speed is usually 1Mbps to 10Mbps.

Bluetooth Technology
The main function of the Bluetooth technology is that permits you to connect a various electronic devices wirelessly to a system for the transferring of data.Cell phones are connected to hands free earphones, mouse, wireless keyboard. By using Bluetooth device the information from one device to another device. This technology has various functions and it is used commonly in the wireless communication market.

Mobile Communication Systems
The advancement of mobile networks is enumerated by generations. Many  users communicate across a single frequency band through mobile phones. Cellular and cordless phones are two  examples of devices which make use of wireless signals. Typically, cell phones have a larger range of networks to provide a coverage.But, Cordless phones have a limited range. Similar to GPS devices, some phones make use of signals from satellites to communicate.

Infrared Communication

Infrared wireless communication communicates information in a device or systems through IR radiation . IR is electromagnetic energy at a wavelength that is longer than that of red light. It is used for security control, TV remote control and short range communications. In the electromagnetic spectrum, IR radiation lies between microwaves and visible light. So, they can be used as a source of communication.


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